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I am sure you would not reveal it because from next time i won't tell you any secrets..hehehe.. :laugh:
Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis- is the longest word according oxford dictionary.
Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis- is the longest word according oxford dictionary.

And what does it mean Ram?It looks like a name of some sever disease. :laugh:
Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis- is the longest word according oxford dictionary.

And what does it mean Ram?It looks like a name of some sever disease. :laugh:

I think this lung related pneumonia. I hope I am right.

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I think you guess is right as the word starts from Pneumonia which is lungs related disease.Ram will tell it better. :)
I think you guess is right as the word starts from Pneumonia which is lungs related disease.Ram will tell it better. :)

I hope he confirms it, else I shall be sunk. Too bad for me.

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I know he won't answer it and come back with another fact. :laugh:
I know he won't answer it and come back with another fact. :laugh:

Wanna bet? He is only making sure to prove me right. I am sure he will come soon.

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I also wish he comes back with the answer and proves you right just wait and watch. :)
I also wish he comes back with the answer and proves you right just wait and watch. :)

Oh yes, that would be better if I confirm it on google before he comes back. :laugh:

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