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The word "queue" is the only word in English language that is still pronounced the same way when the last four letters are removed.

We having 'why' word like that.. In this case if we remove first two letters then it will sound same. :laugh:

If so, I will give some more words...
:P :P :P :P

Sandhya.. How you explain 'YES' in this category..!! :huh: Mistake!?

Remove the first two letters...... :P :P :P

Meera sandhu
But still it not only sounds like S to me.. I mean I can't tell yes to anyone just by saying S... ha ha
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Anand try some thing like this.

The word ALMOST is the word with all letters in alphabetic order.
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But still it not only sounds like S to me.. I mean I can't tell yes to anyone just by saying S... ha ha

Really confusing?

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 6739]}

Meera sandhu
Ram what you told not understandable explain it clearly about ALMOST.

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Anand try some thing like this.

The word ALMOST is the word with all letters in alphabetic order.
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Ha ha.. That will be little hard for me.. :laugh: Let me think about them.

@Sandhya.. yes little bit confusing.. :laugh:

I am saying in the word A L M O S T ,all letters are in alphabetic order.Do you know any more word like this.
I got that what you want to say in that above post.. But its really too difficult to get such word. I tried to find out but nope, not able to found it.

Ok now I got it. Madam is the word which comes same after reversing it.

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Ok now I got it. Madam is the word which comes same after reversing it.

then let me add some thing more to Madam

"MADAM I'M ADAM". Just read in reverse order :P :P :P :P :P

Meera sandhu
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