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Yes Sanjeev, all cats eat grass occasionally to cleanse their stomachs and when they get an upset stomach. Even dogs eat when their stomachs are upset!! The animals also know by instinct on what to do when they become ill! :)

That's the reason we people are advised for eating more salad with the meals. :)
[quote]Kalyani Nandurkar wrote:
Yes Sanjeev, all cats eat grass occasionally to cleanse their stomachs and when they get an upset stomach. Even dogs eat when their stomachs are upset!! The animals also know by instinct on what to do when they become ill!

That's the reason we people are advised for eating more salad with the meals.

HA ha ha!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :) say ..we should be pure you say, if we eat grass, we don't love environment.
Then what should we eat...?
Answer me

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Sandhya do you know animals have the enzyme which help them to digest grass which human body does not have so they can't digest it? :)

Just eat grass once surely you will vomit or have a stomach ache. :laugh:

sanjeev ji have you ever tried it?how you know that human body cant digest it? :laugh: :laugh: :P :lol:

Yes Sanjeev, all cats eat grass occasionally to cleanse their stomachs and when they get an upset stomach. Even dogs eat when their stomachs are upset!! The animals also know by instinct on what to do when they become ill! :)

yes thats true even my dogs do this.not only when they have some stomach problem but also when they have cough or any such problem.

Yes Sanjeev, all cats eat grass occasionally to cleanse their stomachs and when they get an upset stomach. Even dogs eat when their stomachs are upset!! The animals also know by instinct on what to do when they become ill! :)

It's better to ask that cow itself :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Nice joke...let sanjeev give an answer :P

Meera sandhu
Yes Sanjeev, all cats eat grass occasionally to cleanse their stomachs and when they get an upset stomach. Even dogs eat when their stomachs are upset!! The animals also know by instinct on what to do when they become ill! :)

yes thats true even my dogs do this.not only when they have some stomach problem but also when they have cough or any such problem.

I have not heard it that they eat grass when they have cough problem. :woohoo:

No problem i will watch a dog when it will have cough. :woohoo:
Yes Sanjeev, all cats eat grass occasionally to cleanse their stomachs and when they get an upset stomach. Even dogs eat when their stomachs are upset!! The animals also know by instinct on what to do when they become ill! :)

yes thats true even my dogs do this.not only when they have some stomach problem but also when they have cough or any such problem.

I have not heard it that they eat grass when they have cough problem. :woohoo:

No problem i will watch a dog when it will have cough. :woohoo:

yes surely because from my childhood till now im having a pet in my house.every time one die my mama brings another one from his friends house and so i knew it.

Yes Sanjeev, all cats eat grass occasionally to cleanse their stomachs and when they get an upset stomach. Even dogs eat when their stomachs are upset!! The animals also know by instinct on what to do when they become ill! :)

yes thats true even my dogs do this.not only when they have some stomach problem but also when they have cough or any such problem.

I have not heard it that they eat grass when they have cough problem. :woohoo:

No problem i will watch a dog when it will have cough. :woohoo:

yes surely because from my childhood till now im having a pet in my house.every time one die my mama brings another one from his friends house and so i knew it.

I don't know much about it as i had once a dog as pet when i was a kid.After death of that dog we never had a pet.May be i missed it. :)
Yes Sanjeev, all cats eat grass occasionally to cleanse their stomachs and when they get an upset stomach. Even dogs eat when their stomachs are upset!! The animals also know by instinct on what to do when they become ill! :)

yes thats true even my dogs do this.not only when they have some stomach problem but also when they have cough or any such problem.

I have not heard it that they eat grass when they have cough problem. :woohoo:

No problem i will watch a dog when it will have cough. :woohoo:

yes surely because from my childhood till now im having a pet in my house.every time one die my mama brings another one from his friends house and so i knew it.

I don't know much about it as i had once a dog as pet when i was a kid.After death of that dog we never had a pet.May be i missed it. :)

you will not see it in street dogs but in domestic dogs you will find this.actually they have cure of their every problem instead some big ones.

I have also watched some animal is eating grass or leaf when they feel sick.
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