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The problem is that people reveal too much of themselves in the process of interacting with others, which makes it too easy for the twisted minded to hurt them easily!

You are right. Many people reveal all the things while interacting with others. Sometimes i have seen some personnel matters are also discussing while commenting. This is totally wrong.

yes, though we trust the unknown person we should not trust that person completely.though the person is good and well mannered but also we should not share our personals with the unknown

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Quite true.. We should publish everything their limited, even we are sharing those things with only friends.

People get emotional easily and share things which they should not and repent for it afterwards. :evil: :evil:

So its better to be cautious than to repent for it afterwards. :)
Yes today social networking site become a way of cheat to other person such as facebook.So keep wake up while active on Facebook or other social networking site.
If you have a 100% trust on somebody,then only share your information. I would say although you have 100% trust,then too think twice or thrice before sharing any information.

Want to make each day Accountable

Never for a moment lose sight of the fact that these are virtual relationship of which very few turn out to be real!!
Yes,anyone can do anything with your personal information.So,be away from such things.

Want to make each day Accountable

Seriously because people today are of various kinds. Shrewd people can make you regret for your carelessness
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