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Dear Sarala

I think I clearly written the things. Which things you want to know I means which line you did not get.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Yes it will hurt me definitely as the relationship is broken even if the fault is of anyone. :)

There have been instances in the past it has happen to me several times that due to fault of my friend our friendship broke. :)
Surely it little bit hurts when relation breaks... We can do something if its out mistake, but if its other person's mistake then I guess we can do nothing about it.

Its husts when a close person do mistake and we break the relation but it never hurts when person who is creating lot of problem to you and if you break relation with him

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Yes thats better when a known person create problem there we cannot break relation but unknown better created problem means we can break it easily.

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Actually, sasi, if a person is unknown then how there will be relation between you and the unknown. As he is unknown to you then there is no relation. So how can you break the relation if there is no relation. If he create problem also we just can fight but as there is no relation so no breakage

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Sarala unknown person means if I and you having friendship for some days there will be a relation ship is formed we can break it at any time when we had a quarrel.

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But as there is a relation ship of friend ship between us and as we quarrel and if break the relation then also we get hurt.I think you never experienced it

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

yes for sure.......... it will hurt me........

Relationship broke na..
You may be 100% right when you quarrel with a person and break the relation. Later, will it hurt you, even if mistake was in other person's side?

Breaking relation is always a painful decision but when a point of no return is reached such decisions are not avoidable!
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