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yes it will hurt us definately.because whether its our mistake or their but if that person is special for us then somewhere we will get hurted.

yes it will hurt us definately.because whether its our mistake or their but if that person is special for us then somewhere we will get hurted.

100% I agree with you.....yes....relation breakups only disturb us evenif done for a good cause

Meera sandhu
yes it will hurt us definately.because whether its our mistake or their but if that person is special for us then somewhere we will get hurted.

And if that person is not a special one for you still then will you be hurt? :)
Any type of relation breaking is hurtful.I don't want to break any,yes sometime I avoid it.
yes it will hurt us definately.because whether its our mistake or their but if that person is special for us then somewhere we will get hurted.

And if that person is not a special one for you still then will you be hurt? :)

anjeev ji tell me one thing do you have a relation with any one get hurts when they have fight with strangers or just classmates or colleagues unless and untill its our mistake.and when that fight is with a friend,a family member than we definately feel bad when the relationship ends whether its our mistake or not.

yes it will hurt us definately.because whether its our mistake or their but if that person is special for us then somewhere we will get hurted.

And if that person is not a special one for you still then will you be hurt? :)

anjeev ji tell me one thing do you have a relation with any one get hurts when they have fight with strangers or just classmates or colleagues unless and untill its our mistake.and when that fight is with a friend,a family member than we definately feel bad when the relationship ends whether its our mistake or not.

No my concept is different i feel more hurt when i have a fight with a stranger because there are always a chance of patch with the known person but with stranger there is not. :laugh:
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