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I like black and white colours.But white colour is my most favourite.I like green colour for holi.

I like white color on HOLI as we can see all colors spreading on white color.I wore white kurta this time on holi. :)

White color is good for Holi to wear as you can see, who did what with you.

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When you wear white colour on holi day it will change in to different colours in the evening. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
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I always prefer black to white. I don't know why?
Kaale Libaaz.....

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Meera sandhu
When you wear white colour on holi day it will change in to different colours in the evening. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

And that looks good at least everyone can see that you have played HOLI. :laugh:
I prefer white over black.although these two are my favourite colours.

A black can cover many mistakes, not often the white colour ;)

Meera sandhu
white since it is for peace, faith and pious.
I like both as both of the colors suits me and i like them according to the situation and even i like both combination

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

but white is for purity and peace also and it can mix-up with all.

but white is for purity and peace also and it can mix-up with all.

But it's often said that those people who love white....their heart is not pure as white.
Those who love black....they always hide something deep inside

Meera sandhu
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