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I like both white and black color as i look great in both the colors

Though contradictory, we can't avoid anyone of them. Isn't it?
Actually, whether black or white.....both can't get its true value in the absence of the other. Isn't it?

Meera sandhu
I like black more. Actually its not my favorite but as we just having two option i will go with black. :)

we cant select either white or black. both are important colours.
i like both colours...

we cant select either white or black. both are important colours.
i like both colours...

And which will you select if you need to select one between them. :whistle:

i prefer black color in winters & white in summers
i prefer black color in winters & white in summers[/quote]
It is good for health also.
Black absorbs heat while white reflects it therefore if you want to preserve heat use black.

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Black absorbs heat while white reflects it therefore if you want to preserve heat use black.

Thats true.. That's why even I like black I just avoid it in summer.

i prefer BLACK because WHITE get dirty easily :) .Moreover i don't like white much. :)
i prefer BLACK because WHITE get dirty easily :) .Moreover i don't like white much. :)

That's also a good reason for avoiding the white color. But still sometime I used to wear white T-shirts. But not as much as black.

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