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It appears that some times coming events cast their shadows. This is, probably, sixth sense. a few years back, i was in a wedding celebration. Relatives and others were dancing happily. But I remained in very sad mood. I could not understand cause of my bad mood.

The wedding function was disturbed for some reasons. The ceremony ended abruptly without performing wedding.

I feel sixth sense told me that all was not well.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

It appears that some times coming events cast their shadows. This is, probably, sixth sense. a few years back, i was in a wedding celebration. Relatives and others were dancing happily. But I remained in very sad mood. I could not understand cause of my bad mood.

The wedding function was disturbed for some reasons. The ceremony ended abruptly without performing wedding.

I feel sixth sense told me that all was not well.

Yes, most commonly, negative things are foreseen. Sometimes we may get a little time to be vigilant.

Meera sandhu
6th sense is true and it happens to some people. I have experienced 6th sense alot of times

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Ya i think it is true because sometime we aware of the fact that what is going to be happened in future.
6th sense is true and it happens to some people. I have experienced 6th sense alot of times

Yes...only the persons who experience it can know it :)

Meera sandhu
Those who feel it only they can know about 6th sense otherwise all are thinking it is a myth only......
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Animals have five sense only...They doesn't know what is GOD....

Sixth sense means understand that, what is GOD, though a human doesn't know

about GOD he is not a human...he is an animal...

So sixth sense is for understanding the GOD.. :) :) :) :) :)

Chant Hare krishna and be happy!!
Six sense is a prediction which we get before itself about the coming time

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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