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Sixth sense is there. We can predict our future by using it. Some time unknowingly we use sixth sense. We can develop sixth sense by doing meditation

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

No 6Th sense is not actually true no one see future life but i want to see future life.
The sixth sense is a part of everyone whether or not they like it. It is a normal part of the human psyche and not abnormal or reserved for special or gifted persons.

Thank you Arun for your nice ideas. I think you are really interested in this. Can you give us some examples, such experiences of people etc.
I think it is really an interesting topic

I am glad you like my thoughts and yea, you guessed it right, I am very interested in this. Couple of years back I had written a 29 page final report on this very topic and was liked my many renown universities.

And sandhya there are examples everywhere.

Like you feel someone is watching you from behind even though you can't see the person. Also when you are driving and sometime you get a feeling that a speeding car/truck is coming your way at the next interchange and you slow down your car.

And do you know sixth sense also helped a lot in evolution!!!

Sixth sense gave a reproductive advantage to our primitive ancestors in choosing their right partners. You know a signal you get when your heart tells you he/she is the one.

Sixth sense in terms of the above example would a bit complex to follow, since modern man has made it complex with so many terms. But take examples of animals and you will see that they find their mate instinctively. And instinct is nothing more than sixth sense (Though this example is not applicable to all animals, many breed of animals follow a different set of rules)

Also we have heard that animals start giving signals of danger waiting to come.

I think I will write a comprehensive article stating my views which would be open for discussion.
Sixth sense has nothing to do with prediction. This is all about our getting ideas about things those may happen or have happened some where. This is kind of intuition about incidents those may take place. Or have taken place some where without our knowledge. But this is nothing which we can develop by practice, this is some thing that happens once in a while so suddenly.

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yes i do believe in the sixth sense which separates the human beings from animals.
I agree with most of the points you highlighted here. Some thing alerts you or kind of warns you about things which are about to happen. This is not every time but rarely.

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Arun, thanks for explaining many things about sixth sense. I really agree with your points that someone watching us from behind us. I many times feels like this:)

Sixth sense has nothing to do with prediction. This is all about our getting ideas about things those may happen or have happened some where. This is kind of intuition about incidents those may take place. Or have taken place some where without our knowledge. But this is nothing which we can develop by practice, this is some thing that happens once in a while so suddenly.

I am completely against your interpretations. I personally believe it can be gradually developed if we develop more concentration

Meera sandhu
Okay, Develop it then and do wonders for this world, all the best to you.

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