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I will save those money and i will continue working in the same job. If possible I spend 2 crores from the 5 crores to charity. and Later I will only establish a company of any thing that many be software or any field which gives profits and those profits should be sent to the charity which is established by me. so that after my death also the charity be alive with lot of orphan and poor people taking free education and shelter

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I will save those money and i will continue working in the same job. If possible I spend 2 crores from the 5 crores to charity. and Later I will only establish a company of any thing that many be software or any field which gives profits and those profits should be sent to the charity which is established by me. so that after my death also the charity be alive with lot of orphan and poor people taking free education and shelter

Mother Therasa of New Millenium :)
Only 'few' people think this way. If you really do what you say now, I will surely become a fan of yours :P

Meera sandhu
If i win it,i won't quit my job. I would live a different life,but i won't quit my job.

Want to make each day Accountable

If i win, then i will use that money for developing my house and will start a small bussiness(part time) so i will be active more on boddunan with my present job ;).

thank you Sandhya. My aim to perform these two dreams. But everything depends upon our fate and situation.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

If i got a Lottery of 5 Crore then i Quit all My Job and Spent my life in a New Style.
Let me have those 5 crores first only then I shall be in a position to decide what to do, at the time I am happy and enjoying my life.

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Winning is more important than dreaming if I had these I will say at that time.

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see the co-incidence Sandhya.......even my husband insists that the moment his bank account reaches 5 crore, we both will quit our job, go to our village and enjoy village life........ :)

yup thats the point everyone dreams to enjoy the life after getting a lot of money that is enough for the left life.
If i got a Lottery of 5 Crore then i Quit all My Job and Spent my life in a New Style.

Now, you have got the most precious gift in your life.....your wife. Does 5 crore worth more than her?
Definitely no,.......Isn't it Alam? :)

Meera sandhu
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