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I still maintain my stand I will buy a car and start begging sitting in that car. A begger with a difference. :evil:

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I still maintain my stand I will buy a car and start begging sitting in that car. A begger with a difference. :evil:

Who is going to drive it??? Your wife or your kid???

Meera sandhu
I will drive myself, a beggar with a difference. I will change my begging venue every day.

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Buddy I get 5crores then simply I will submit it to bank and will simply enjoy life with that interest.
Buddy I get 5crores then simply I will submit it to bank and will simply enjoy life with that interest.

Really? they will deduct 35% first and then every year on interests also. You shall be left with very less.

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Buddy I get 5crores then simply I will submit it to bank and will simply enjoy life with that interest.

Really? they will deduct 35% first and then every year on interests also. You shall be left with very less.

Really.... :woohoo:
I also haven't thought like that.....(33% will go for tax)Better he can buy some gold or land. Isn't it?

Meera sandhu
There is just one way of getting 6crore in place of 5crore but I will share the trick if you promise to pay me 50 lacs.

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There is just one way of getting 6crore in place of 5crore but I will share the trick if you promise to pay me 50 lacs.

Not at all necessary
Actually..I have convergence problem with eyes now. So, if anything placed near my eyes, I will see it as two. So......5 crore will appear 10 crore to me :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: So, I am happy with that

Meera sandhu
No i wont quit my job, i will continue to work.
I won't quit the job if i win lottery of 5 crores and will do FD of the money won that way i will make more money.hahaha :laugh:
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