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Color is spice of life. Life without color is inconceivable. Color scheme make many things easier. But it appears that color is not related to fortune or luck.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I don't believe this one I had no idea about this one.

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Color is very important in our life. I like pink color.

Be positive
Colors are very much influential to our general mood and feelings of well being but they do not hold the key to our fortunes, they are purely a result of hard work and honest efforts. The reason why colors may be associated to fortune could be because wearing certain colors help improve our mood and lead us to work better and smarter- recipe for success!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Physiologically it is well established that some of our sensory organs favourably reactive to colours like our sight organ - eyes feel soothed with green!
Yes, sandhya colors influence our future and even mood. For example i will give tell you about a color psychology.
When you close your eyes, the if you see red color , that means your mind is disturbed and if you see yellow color that means your are happy and not disturbed.
My favorite color is sky , green and Pink.But I like all colors which suit me.But I have specific opinion on colors like sky colors gives us peace to our mind, green is good for everything,red is danger,black is not good I mean it is ashub. I have a belief if we wear black on saturday it is not at all good. No work will be completed on that day.But I like even black. So, according to the situation and occasion we should wear or use colors.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

It may be superstitious or not. But I never use black when I am going to do a good thing or seeking a luck :)

Meera sandhu
Yes,color do change our fortune. We believe or don't believe on this,but this is true.
I love the RED color and whenever i wear it makes me active.
People's thinking is such that if they will wear a particular color,that will bring success.
They don't realize that their thoughts are making this change.
But,if the change is coming of such thinking,then its good.

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color will make too many difference on our mind. i love violet & White colour as it makes my mind very active. :cheer:

I don't how do we get such weird ideas that clour changes one's fortune - betraying singular lack of scientific temper!!
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