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Do your respective karmas and be clear in your conscience and that's all about it! Looking too deep into the future is not going to help us any way!
I want to get many friends as possible before I leave this world, like branches of a big banyan tree :laugh:
Also, as Chinmoy jee I want to known as a writer. :laugh:
I want to publish at least one book, from which at least one person can learn something new. :P and prompts him to do good things in life.
Even if I can change one person, it will be a great thing to me :woohoo: I would feel my life had become worthy!!!!
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Meera sandhu
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Every time I set out changing a person I end up changing myself!!Ha ha!
we should be always good at things will fall into their place......good karmas is the only resolution......

Yes Sandhya you are right always create your own path never go to another path just like a pig.
Its only good deeds or good thinking and sacrifices that make people alive in others.
I am not planning yet to be gone, but then who knows about the departure one may face. I would like to be known for my good works only, as every one says. I don't know who will forget whatever bad I did. :laugh:

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If we do good deeds in our life time , then everyone will remember us even we are not in this world

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

If we do good deeds in our life time , then everyone will remember us even we are not in this world

But for how many days???? can you tell?

Meera sandhu
If we do good deeds in our life time , then everyone will remember us even we are not in this world

Of course people do remember for good deeds but some people are known for their bad doings too but in bad sense.

I love this free image hosting site for sharing my work

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