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In India, films with a social message always fail in Box office. We, viewers opt only entertainment stuff. But Hollywood films, usually have new ideas....Even if not entertaining, people love to watch.

Meera sandhu
This is really true to our Indian set up. But this should change soon.
I feel aborting the unborn child is crime.The birth of the child is not when it come out the mothers womb. When it formed in the womb.If parents dont want a child then they would have taken precautions before that child wont form in the womb.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I feel aborting the unborn child is crime.The birth of the child is not when it come out the mothers womb. When it formed in the womb.If parents dont want a child then they would have taken precautions before that child wont form in the womb.

100% correct :)

Meera sandhu
I feel aborting the unborn child is crime.The birth of the child is not when it come out the mothers womb. When it formed in the womb.If parents dont want a child then they would have taken precautions before that child wont form in the womb.

I absolutely agree with you..

yes, friends, if parents dont want a child then they should take precautions. But sometimes it happens , unfortunately then there will be no chance to escape and they do abortions.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

yes, friends, if parents dont want a child then they should take precautions. But sometimes it happens , unfortunately then there will be no chance to escape and they do abortions.

That is what the same thing I want to tell all the parents. Never kill your child, either if it is born or unborn.

Meera sandhu
Look you people expect things to happen in normal which is not always possible in reality. Even after taking adequate precautionary measure there is every chance of being pregnant.
Look you people expect things to happen in normal which is not always possible in reality. Even after taking adequate precautionary measure there is every chance of being pregnant.

Then why can't you accept it as God gift and allow that child to live.

I know many couples in my life (even very poor people), who got a child even 10-13 years after they have done surgery to stop pregnancy. They are not aborting the unborn child, since they believe it is a crime and believing it to be God's gift and fate.

Meera sandhu
[quote]V.Arunkumar wrote:
Look you people expect things to happen in normal which is not always possible in reality. Even after taking adequate precautionary measure there is every chance of being pregnant.

Then why can't you accept it as God gift and allow that child to live.

I know many couples in my life (even very poor people), who got a child even 10-13 years after they have done surgery to stop pregnancy. They are not aborting the unborn child, since they believe it is a crime and believing it to be God's gift and fate. [/quote]

This topic can be discussed on and on and there can really be no single conclusion or a politically correct answer to such a complicated question.

But leaving aside the moral niceties and talk of ethics, religions etc. etc. has anyone given a single thought to the population explosion in this country? Do not we as citizens of this country, have a moral duty to try and contain population growth, which has already propelled beyond control? Or are we going to wait for something like that happened in China to happen? Also, have you seen what happens to children who are let come into this world simply because they a gift of God? I have seen many of such children and they lead lives worse than animals!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

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