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Yes this is a new creation of song with in minutes so it created sensation in the history.

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yes,..and i think even the makers of the song would have never thought of it becoming such a huge hit.
I don't understand the magic of Kolavari.All are behind it.It seems mad.

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Hahaha abid you are right we all are in the mad of kolavari. :laugh: :laugh:

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that is the magic of the beat of music of that kolavari song frankly they there is no speciality in that song , the main role for this song to become famous is the beat of music

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Yes he has been invited over for dinner with the prime minister of japan..thats a great honour

Deven, this is a news to me but am little surprised as well as shocked. You guys really think that this song deserves so much of honour, I mean, all right, even I like this song, but then dinner with PM is something stretched too far, don't you think so.
Nah i think the song does have the feel to it that attracts people towards it...Yes the music is not awesome nor is danush's voice but its simplicity and the way danush enjoys while singing makes us enjoy the song so much more.
Yes I agree with Deven. Actually the video of this song has made a huge impact on everyone. The natural manner in which Dhanush is seen singing with such obvious enjoyment and everyone else makes a big difference.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Can any body explain the meaning of this song in Hindi? and as it is in Tamil I can not understand the meaning.
@ ram..check out the lyrics of the song...its hardly in tamil.,,trust me you wil enjoy it more once you read the lyrics.
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