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This is the nice information shared by sarala.THis is most usefull now a days in this pollution world.

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very good information shared here in this thread. Thanks all for giving valuable information.

Thanks sarla For giving this Tips to us it will help us to take care on our Skin.
Try this five things to keep your skin clean.

Protect yourself from the sun.
Do not make habit of smoke smoke.
Treat your skin with a gently hand.
make habit of eating a healthy diet
Try to free from stress.
here I am giving you 5 tips.
1. Drink plenty of water
2. Avoid fry and sweets as much as possible
3. Sweat is a good cleanser to make pores clean. So exercise regularly
4. Avoid excess use of make ups and clean them as soon as its need is over
5. Bath twice a day.

Meera sandhu
Try to be away from sunlight for long time.Skin Burn is possible,if we remain in sunlight for long time.

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I have heard that applying grated cucumber is also one of the best way to keep your skin glowing....and it works on all types of skin....

Few more tips From my side
1.Wash your face twice a day.
2.Avoid touching your face with your fingers.
3.If you wear glasses or sunglasses, make sure you clean them frequently to 4.keep oil from clogging the pores around your eyes and nose.
5.Remove your makeup before you go to sleep.
6.Keep hair clean and out of your face to prevent additional dirt and oil from clogging your pores.
7.Protect your skin from the sun

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Thanks Sarala And Sandhya for your important Tips.It might be helpful to preserve our Skin for longer period of time.
Whenever your skin blackens then try to have all vitamin food and try to apply cucumber juice to the skin. It gives shining to the skin

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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