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He is having a good business tactics he brought tipusultan sword to our country.We must praise for this and all must feel shy for this act.

But now he is in problem that government should help to him a person who saved our historic things.

i really dont think that he is any financial problem. he still lives in those posh bungalows,drives posh cars and eats posh meals. the point herer is purely business. he do not want to run a business that is not profitable. he is logical there.
but the problem is that he is not ready to pump his money into kfa.he wants government to do that.that is illogical.
That's a very correct diagnosis of his problems! He expects the government to rush in where he fears to tread!!!
Thank you said by: deepak
airlines minister is keen to keep kingfisher flying.if government is interested they should think of a possible take over of kfa by the government and those flight scan be incorporated into the indian airlines.
But Indian Airlines itself is sick and by taking over another sick organization it might die!
LATEST NEWS....state-run banks have lent Rs.6,901.86 crore to the cash-strapped Kingfisher Airlines.
Whatever the consortium of banker has done is at the dictates of the government!
then it seems like the government wants the great mallya to prosper...long live mallya...
Long live Manmohan Singh and his brand of economics too!
That's a very correct diagnosis of his problems! He expects the government to rush in where he fears to tread!!!

He expects govt to help him but i think Govt will not entertain him and ultimately Airlines will come to its closure.

The government has provided him the leeway by asking government-controlled,if not forcing,banks to consider his application favourably!
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