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I dont think so he will shut down kingfisher airlines.He know business tactics he will raise it again.

no sasikanth...he plans to dump it...unless government and banks gives him loans...
I fail to understand why the government is so eager to help a privately-owned busines when it has been so insensitive to Air India's woes!
If he wants to shut down Kingfisher Airlines, he may do so but the government should not help this venture financially. It is entirely Mallya's responsibility, the government should focus on bettering the conditions of Air India instead and provide people with a more economic option than Kingfisher but with proper connectivity and facilities as Kingfisher has provided until now, although not so lavish.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

It should have dawned upon the liquor baron while entering airline business that it's hugely capital-intensive and if he didn't do his homework he should be made to face the music!!!
[quote]It should have dawned upon the liquor baron while entering airline business that it's hugely capital-intensive and if he didn't do his homework he should be made to face the music!!! [/quote]

True! But to save the airlines, he can easily source money from his other enterprises and give up his lavish lifestyle to some extent, if not all, at least! He could also put a stop to production Kingfisher swimsuit calenders, he spends a sinfully exorbitant money on its production!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)


Market place is a cruel one and the competent ones would survive and vice versa!

Market place is a cruel one and the competent ones would survive and vice versa!

Latest news about this airlines is Lenders of KFA will be meeting soon with Mr. Mallya
Hope the members of the consortium of financiers would find a solution but the government should stop meddling in its affairs!
Yes but Mallya is least bothered about the competition in Airlines industry, or so it seems. He is happily leading liquor industry and is earning nice returns from it!..................

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

What I would say is that it was a misadventure on his part!
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