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But in our college , no ragging. our senoirs gave a nice introduction to us.They treated us like a friend.They helped us a lot for our campus interview, Then , when we became a senior, we also did the same for our juniors.
Ragging is a crime. It is increase day by day.This should be stopped.
College Principles should take strict action against it.

Be positive
Students should have some security by the collegemanagement. There should be anti ragging that they will give security and stop people doing ragging

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

It is a new technology innovation to prevent junior senior problems in the campus.

many senior students advocate ragging with this reason..but it never is the case....
Students should have some security by the collegemanagement. There should be anti ragging that they will give security and stop people doing ragging

anti ragging communoties are being created in all the colleges. it can prevent ragging.
But in some colleges these commities are helping the ragging commities to rag the students.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

They are not performing their jobs well if they performed well why there is raging still in our country.

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But in some colleges these commities are helping the ragging commities to rag the students.

it depends upon the persons who are leading this they are dedicated, ragging will happen.
As I pointed out on so many occasions that it's one of the most heinous of all acts and should be treated as such!
I feel the policemen should join the college in civil dress. and find out whether there is ragging is there in the college or not. If anyone ragging they should pick them and make the other afraid about ragging as they will put them in jail. so from that remaining senior in other colleges will stop ragging

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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