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most of the culprits in the cases of ragging are teenagers and they just don't think. they never have any ill ambitions. they need to show off in front of the others.there are many cases where the ragging has made friends out of juniors and seniors.
That's what should be called as 'infantile disorder'! The sooner they get rid of it the better for them!
teenage is the age when the thinking ability of every person is clouded by self esteemed thoughts. it is common in the age.when have you sen a teenager who like s being scolded or advised at.........
We do certain things or do not out of fear for law or out of our own conscience,sound mind and stout heart. In life, we see both kinds of people.If a person who is claiming to be educating commits violence he or she is not only degrading his or her education but also proving to be a danger to society!
even if there are effective laws to prevent ragging ,it all boils down to how effective the school / college authorities are..
That's a valid point. As all these activities occur in these centres, the authorities in charge of them need to be a lot more firm and sensitive.
ragging in a collage or a school is a crime it must be stop to run a institution veey well.
That's a valid point. As all these activities occur in these centres, the authorities in charge of them need to be a lot more firm and sensitive.

morever the change in mentality among the senior students in every college should be brought out. the authorities should take pains to make the the seniors understand the futility of ragging and help the juniors to get along with the seniors better.
There are counselling centres in some colleges. We have to try out all means to check it to get rid of this menace.
Chinmoy jee there are counsilling centres but there is no use of them.

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