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This can be done by the colleges but they wont do this because if police are there in colleges means they think that their college will get bad name.

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I think there is already a Supreme Court ruling holding the head of the institution responsible for any incident of ragging.
A lot of innocent lives were lost because of this ill practices prevalent in institutions and colleges. Ragging is also a type of corruption and it should be eradicated and uprooted from our society. The corrupted persons should be punished in found guilty and the judiciary should be impartial and unbiased in giving their verdicts...!
recently a film was launched based on ragging -"hostel"
Only strong vigil and prompt action on the part of college and instituional authorities can curb this menace!
nowadays many collage students has aware of raging and they are very friendly with juniors nor seniors. The only possible solution for raging is that student itself realize the mistake and correct by them-self.

But no student will realise the mistake as ragging has become a fashion. the management only should pass a strit rules to prohibit ragging

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

but, management taking strict action in collage,what abt outside of callage? still ragging is going on outside of collage. so, only student has to realize their mistake and correct by their own.

Then there is only one way that is , the all the senior of the college should be council-led in a very effective manner

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Nothing can be more effective than honest realization on the part of the offending students that use of such mindless against a fellow student is inhuman and unlawful both which can ruin the lives of both!
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