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I think by joining the army china want to help India. This is really a good thing to know.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

China would be more keen to help Pakistan militarily which it has already been doing!
An analysis of the past record of the China will only prove the fact that India should not rely upon this country. When they might come up with an ugly surprise politically even God might fail to tell...!
joint exercise will help both to keep a peace between india and china. but before making the joint exercise we have to analyse throughly.

It's a different kettle of fish as far as it's with America! Many analysts feel it might afford China to have a fair assessment of India's military capabilities!

just like china getting a chance to asses the capabilities of india , india too gets the chance to assess china. it all depends upon the efficiency of our military generals.
China would be more keen to help Pakistan militarily which it has already been doing!

i agree with you that china has been helping Pakistan with the sole aim of hampering india's progress.thinking in such terms this military exercises seems to be futile.
But China do not look upon India as friend as supporting .It wants to rule on India .
You undertake such exercises with whom you have workable relationships at least in the field of defence and national security,not with ones having questionable intentions and motives!
That means china want to help India. But we need to think that without any benefit to it how it is decided to help India by joining our army

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

It's all very nice for China to help India but we can not afford to be off our guards!
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