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This is good to help us.But we must be aware of them. :)

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That's is the whole point! As former President of the USA Ronald Reagan used to say:"Trust and Verify".
In past we had war with china what the USA president is correct we must follow his words.If not we will loose a lot.

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It's not only India's past war with China rather its recent activities around our border - that's the main concern!
It's not only India's past war with China rather its recent activities around our border - that's the main concern!

i agree with you that the recent incidents between india and china has not been anything friendly.but steps need to be taken to solve this issue. if this move can bring about some change, then its good.
If China continues to lay claims on some parts of Indian territories - a solution looks very remote!
a solution has to be achieved as another indo-china war will not look pretty.
A solution is only when possible when both the parties agree but China has not yet indicated any shedding of its aggressive posturing!
thinking will they go back on their demands.china believes it is their terroritory so does india.
Objectively a quick solution may not be possible but efforts have to kept on in that direction. Both sides know war is not the solution.
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