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One needs to have strong will power and if decides to quit smoking, should never touch even cigarette.
I agree with Abhishek on his view that strong determination to quite smoking is the only thing. I would give a true example for that: My uncle was a chain smoker in the sense that he use to finish 5-6 boxes per day. I know even some people have smoking more than that. Then my cousin brother who was my uncles second son took some drastic step and he started doing the same thing. Suddenly my uncle noticed it and asked him from where he is getting money to buy the cigerrete packs. Then my cousin told that he has steal money from his shirt pocket and bought them and he also told that i will continue this habit if you do not quite smoking. The fear of his son becoming addictive to smoking and stealing money made my uncle to rethink and then he suddenly stopped smoking within the week. This experience can be a good example that how some parents will react and can also help them in changing their attitude.
But sudden stopping of smoking also shows some impact on health.Slowly can stop the smoking.

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Medical treatment for this is not good.You get rid off it by reducing it gradually.Finally when it comes to three in a day take a cup of water instead of a cigaret and drink it when you feel to smoke.

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Your comments and suggestions have helped me immensely while writing the article and now I have successfully completed it and submitted the same. Your co-operation and support is really noteworthy in this regard...! :)
It is really a good idea to seek opinions like this before writing an article.

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Yes, Abid it definitely helps and you never go out of ideas when you seek opinion of others and in my case it has been the same. In fact two heads are better than one...! :)
Do one thing, write name of the person you love most in this world on the cigrate. so when you feel like smoking you keep the cigrate in your mouth then you will see the name. then atleast for that person sake you will stop smoking. but dont stop smoking suddenly. stop it slowly or else your health will get effected

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

You can't stop smoking immediately.You need to reduce your smoking,first and as Ram,suggested,there is one chewing gum available that can reduced this. My friends have used it and yes,mark my words,it really works.

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Now a days the electronic cigar is introduced it will just like a cigar with that you can quit smoking it costs over 2000

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