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My father is a big smoker . I always tell to dad not to do as i hate the smoke and its smoke is very irritating but no gains.
In present days smokers have been reduced. very rarely we can see smokers.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Nice to inform you that the article has been approved and has been published. I am sharing a link for the same...!
Smoking is indeed a very bad adiction and one has to stay away from it. Many youngsters are falling prey to this addiction which has adverse effects on one's health. To quit smoking, there are various way. There are various medicines available to quit smoking but the main thing is to have a stong mind which says no to this habit. Every time you have the urge to smoke, speak to yourself and control your feelings. Also there are various medical practitoiners who can help you out of this habit. Another lesser known method, if you believe or not, is to eat a Banana a day.
smoking is injurious to health. I don't by smoking what people get in it. It kills the lungs mainly. So the people who smoke should quit it slowly. If all of a sudden they quit it is more danger to them. suppose a person is smoking a box perday.So he should smoke half box perday. then after few days he should smoke 4 cigars then 3 then 2 then 1. like that. finally stop smoking.If we heartfully feel to quit the smoking then we can easily quit it.After quiting if you feel to smoke again and you couldn't stop that feeling then when ever you feel like that at that time take chocolate or do something but dont start smoking

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Thank you friends for your valuable inputs.Actually I am trying to write out an article on the subject and hence the query was posted by me. I have got some wonderful suggestions from you and would love to add them in my article....!

ajay thats a wonderful idea. I think everyone should post a forum post about the topic of your article.
Thank you said by: ajay
This is a nice idea ajay this will be more easy way to write article.

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Thank you said by: ajay
no amount of medicine or spray or anything external can be of use untill and unless it is your will power that is strong and you have strong urge to quit smoking.
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