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My first cooking attempt was when I prepared potato curry and burnt it all! :laugh:

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

I had made chapaties that were very black . wonder your article is 'spicy potato' recipe ...

Swetha Shenoy
But now I cook a number of dishes.Ghee rice is my special one.

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today i have a gret knouledge about this but my first exprience with chicken when i was alone in my home it become somethind that i cannot eat it it smell like a rotten chicken.
I first cooking experience, I over cooked rice with too much of salt,

the first curry i prepared is POTATO FRY. I included every ingredient available in the kitchen. The curry was ok. when i served it to my dad , my dad felt the tast of some other food item but not the potato curry.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

So even girls had made their first cooking as a good treat to their family!!!

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it is really a amazing describing you have blasted on your first cooking.
My first experience of cooking dosa. I tried once to prepare dosa. As i never prepared it, so i didnt know how to spread the stuff. So i started pouring it like that and it came so think and some sticked to pan as i kept the stuff in shimmy.

But after alot of experience . Now am perfect in preparing paper dosa

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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