Dear All,

Let us discuss each other's first cooking experience!

Was it a disaster? was it a success?

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Swetha Shenoy
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My first cooking experience was a disaster.

I cooked radish curry for 2 hours :( and no body ate it!!!

I prepared coffee for half hour and no body drank it!!!!! :D hahah

Swetha Shenoy
My first experience of cooking was half cooked potato curry. It was horrible. I could not eat my own cooked dish.
Tea was good.
I dont remmember when i first attempted it. :laugh: But most of the time i just see a learn or through help from some receipe book so it must be successful one only. :)
I prepared tea for first time during my school days and it changed taste as I used coconut leaves to prepare it.Coconut leaves should not be burnt while preparing tea.

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It was totally flop for me as I had to prepare tea for my mother and I ended up putting so much sugar that it became a sweet hot drink!!!! :) :laugh: :laugh: :P
I cooked motor paneer first but that was so good that a dog ate totaly in dustbin
First time I tried to make dal and rice. I feel good after eating because it made good.

Santosh Kumar Singh


My first cooking experiance is when I was studying inschool.I cooked noodles and ate myself.It was O.K.
My first cooking is really funny .I tried to prepare keer but it became a cake. then i tried again then it became sweet rice then tried again it is came in the form of a keer.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

@hahhaha Ram Prasad you mean Mattar panner?

hahha hilarious Keer by Sarala

:D :D

Swetha Shenoy
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