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Do you hate the world because if you hate yourself?

I don't understand you clearly.
I don't have this world. I hate crime, corruption and indescipline.
I love nature and its beauty, babies and beautiful human beings and their creations like monuments, structures, IT, rockets, satellites, etc.
I do not hate myself but I hate situation who are trying to force me to hate myself.

Santosh Kumar Singh


No i doesnot hate myself and My World i love This world this is my home.
If we have the courage to live life then we should be ready to face the its stages that it offers to us and make us to move further. so do not hate the conditions of life.
I dont hate the world i love the world because i love my self. :woohoo: :whistle: :side: :laugh:

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One can only hate world if one is not satisfied with oneself for one reason or the other. Personally, I have no grudge about myself and about this world I have a mixed kind of reaction...!
once can hate world when they are irritated much with the world

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Its difficult to hate this world. There are various sub-world in the whole world where we hesitate to enter,but the Whole world can't be hated.

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Ronark May i know what are those sub world and why we hesitate to enter them.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Saying Sub-world means i wanted to say wrong world. The world,where wrong work is done. In this kind of world,we restrict ourself to enter.
Looking at those kind of world,we at some moment feels in our mind that the world is really getting negative,wrong,etc.

Corruption,Jealously,disputes in the family,frustration of not getting good marks,force of family to do a particular thing,that our mind doesn't give the permission to do,Robbery,rape,abusive atmosphere and many other types of world are there which we don't want to enter and commit something that we shouldn't commit.

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