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I don't hate myself.If a situation like it comes it will be the hell.

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I don't hate the world but something i feel sad how the people react with each other.
We may hate someone due to his misdeeds.But don't generalise it to hate the world.

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I hate world because of the nature of bothering other unnecessarily and because of cast system and religion system. But i wont hate myself

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

this normally happens when we are upset from ourselves but don't worry everything will be get well soon.
mukesh ranjan, when you hate yourself or when you are badly hurt do you hate the world

If you don't hate yourself, you can't critics yourself..........
Sometimes I do hate myself for some reason or the other and the whole world seems to me a place of hatred and jealousy but fortunately this is temporary and lasts for sometime only. After that I come back to normal and start things afresh by forgiving myself and I think that is my strong point!!!
I think we should not hate ourselves at any moment.Always be optimistic.

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If we cannot love something then we have no right to hate it....We have the notion that this world of ours is made by God and we as His humble sons and daughters have no right to hate it but love it till our last breathe.....
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