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It takes a stronger person to say sorry and even mightier person to forgive.

Yes. Forgiveness is an attribute of a strong willed person. Not for weak Willed.


There is a bg disagvantage of not forgiving. This disables you to move on. You just mentally cling to past events where you have been wronged. On the other hand if you forget and forgive, you move to future with clean heart and succeed. 

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Gulshan Kumar Ajmani wrote:

There is a bg disagvantage of not forgiving. This disables you to move on. You just mentally cling to past events where you have been wronged. On the other hand if you forget and forgive, you move to future with clean heart and succeed. 


Absolutely sir. One  who cannot forgive will become a mentally wreck and he will become guilty. These thoughts will be haunting him all through his life.


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