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12 years ago
Hi All,
I would like to announce the winners for BBL6 and he we go with it.
1. Suni
2. Sarala
3. Kalyani
4. Sndhya Rani
5. Usha Manohar
6. Sanjeev Gupta (special consideration)
Thank you for your valuable time and knowledge.
Wish you all "all the best" for the next league.
My hearty congratulations to all the winners of BBL - 6. Besides wining, you have given valuable contribution to his community.
Born to express, not to impress.
12 years ago
I did not say you took content from internet other wise they would have rejected with the status "Copied content". What I meant was "most" articles are too common with what we read regularly (please read "most" and is not "all"). Sometimes, its a human error to not read every article top-to-bottom (which anyway not possible all the time), but will try to be-careful next time.Congratulations to all the winners,second time in a row, no one gets any bonus....I wonder if there is any specific reason for this, if we are given a hint, I am sure we can work towards improving ourselves in the future...I guess the category itself is the problem. People stop thinking out of the box and started writing what I can easily found on Internet. Ofcourse I found very good articles this time as well, but the bad articles spoils the sport. I hope all of you will earn bonus in next edition.
Anyway, in case if anyone has ideas about good categories for articles, please do let me know, may be I am running out of ideas ;) .
I give up!! almost 4 or 5 articles I wrote for the travel and tourism topic were from my own personal experience even highlighting spots in Switzerland probably not done so on the net so far, so also Srilanka and other places....so I dont understand what more can one do ?...
When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick
Thank you said by: usha manohar
12 years ago
I am not a participant of the league still (I hope to be there one day). But I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the winners. Great job.
Even if you do not participate in BBL, it is okay to write articles at your own pace and time. You still get cash credits for articles and you lose only the award.
You mean I can write on the same topics as others are writing in the league? If that's the case then I could have done it had I known it earlier.
On the same topic, you can write even now and whenever you like. You will get cash for the articles and miss only the BBL award of Rs. 1000/-. I also write at my own pace and time without bothering about BBL award.
I have been pretty inconsistent in posting articles here :( I find it hard to manage time. That's why I am at least active in the forum here.
Not to worry there is another BBl for that you can manage time.
Earn money just for joining in this site.
12 years ago
Congratulations for all the winners of Big Boddunan League 6. Keep rocking guys..
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