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12 years ago
Congratulations to all the winners,second time in a row, no one gets any bonus....I wonder if there is any specific reason for this, if we are given a hint, I am sure we can work towards improving ourselves in the future...I guess the category itself is the problem. People stop thinking out of the box and started writing what I can easily found on Internet. Ofcourse I found very good articles this time as well, but the bad articles spoils the sport. I hope all of you will earn bonus in next edition.
Anyway, in case if anyone has ideas about good categories for articles, please do let me know, may be I am running out of ideas ;) .
When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick
Thank you said by: usha manohar
12 years ago
btw.. just now checked my inbox and missed sanjeev gupta email about nominations. god, give me little more patience to check emails carefully. Anyway, guys please send nominations only through support form and not to me.
He got few good articles (though not eligible for full amount). congratulations.
He got few good articles (though not eligible for full amount). congratulations.
When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick
Thank you said by: Sanjeev Gupta
12 years ago
Congratulations to all the winners,second time in a row, no one gets any bonus....I wonder if there is any specific reason for this, if we are given a hint, I am sure we can work towards improving ourselves in the future...
:) :) :) :) :) Congratulation Usha ji, you deserve it.
Thank you said by: usha manohar
12 years ago
Congrats to all the winners. :)
It would be more appreciable if there would be new members in the list in the next league. :)
It would be more appreciable if there would be new members in the list in the next league. :)
12 years ago
Congrats to all the winners. :)
It would be more appreciable if there would be new members in the list in the next league. :)
It would be more appreciable if there would be new members in the list in the next league. :)
Thank you said by: usha manohar
12 years ago
Congratulation to all the winners. You have again proved why you deserve to be counted among the best. This time i was actually looking forward to Chinmoy's participation, especially after reading his posts.
Thank you said by: Sanjeev Gupta, usha manohar
12 years ago
Congratulation to all the winners. You have again proved why you deserve to be counted among the best. This time i was actually looking forward to Chinmoy's participation, especially after reading his posts.
Even I also thought he would take part in the contest but he did not. But of course Suny,Sandhya,Usha,Kalyani,Sarala have contributed nicely to this site. :)
Thank you said by: Kalyani Nandurkar, usha manohar
12 years ago
Congratulation all winners.
G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant
Thank you said by: usha manohar
12 years ago
I am not a participant of the league still (I hope to be there one day). But I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the winners. Great job.
Thank you said by: usha manohar
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