Should MPs be subject to recall by voters? If so, for what reason

Some civil society members are pressing for right of recall of MPs by voters. The functions of MPs are to legislate on party lines in matter of national interest. On what basis, voters of a constituency can recall their M.P.

Category: Politics

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I believe there should be such powers given to the people, otherwise corrupt people thinks that nobody can do any harm till 5 years after elected.

Below are some of my views.

1. There should be immediate feedback/voting conducted in the constituency whenever an MP found guilty in any corrupt action. I think conducting elections often is time consuming and money consuming.

2. There should be full powers to the courts to recall any MP/MLA.

3. Make use of technology. Everyone should be given a unique id using which people will cast their vote. They should be allowed to change their vote anytime during the 5 year tenure. MP who has majority at any point of time will be continued as winner. Whenever majority people turned to some other contestant, current MP should get down and the new MP to take the role. This is an effective in time and cost. And this will allow public to elect or reject the leader everyday, every minute.


When the people were empowered to elect an MP,why people should be denied of calling back the MP?. People should have the power of recalling back any MP if found the MP is misfit.
suni51 Yes I would like to vote in favor of right to recall, when I send them expecting them to work for us and they fail to do so, why should they stay there wasting our time? - suni51 - 12 years ago


I definitely would like to vote for such a provision if it gets implemented in our constitution. When we vote for someone it is because we expect him or her to perform and if he is found to be lacking , we also should have the power to pull him or her down..



Is this any rule in Indian constituency?

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