What changes would you anticipate in Tamilnadu

Category: Politics

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Right now, it is difficult to imagine, in which direction Tami Nadu politics will go Post Jayalilithaa. O. Pannerselvam may be the new Chief Minister, but this cannot fill the crater created by the uprooting of a giant tree. I hope that Jayalalithaa;s foresight and legacy will hold the Party together for quite some time to come It is better to and watch .



Void left by Amma is not easy to refill. I got a Whatsapp message today. I think it can be true to some extend. I shall upload it. Modi's closeness to newly elected CM open doubts for an alliance in the distant future.




usha manohar Nothing is impossible in politics , so one can never say ... - usha manohar - 8 years ago
Sandhya Rani let us wait and see - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago
Sandhya Rani Sasikala is very cunning and I don't like her. She gave poison to her dearest friend, who believed her most, just for 'power'. Jaya's association with Sasikala gave her only black marks to her political career. But she is so powerful to change political equations of Tamil Nadu. Tamil Nadu's future very much depend on Sasikala's stand - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago


I think new players from film world are going to make some changes in politics of TN. Apart from that I see no changes.



It is at an interesting stage now, with all the Movie stars getting into politics. Let's see how it turns out.


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