Did RaGa standing in ATM queue needed so much gaga by media??

We live in era of News flash and Breaking news. Politics lives in era of soundbites, media plays a role of cheerleader and not a watchdog. Did RaGa standing in ATM queue to milk the political opportunity needed so much of media attention?? Does so much of gaga over petty issues dilutes the real cause?? You can support your answers with examples from recent past.  Is media turning into soap operas??

Category: Politics

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You can see long queues in front of beverage shops. No questions, no arguments and men are patient enough to stand in long queue for hours to get one bottle. Will he stand in front of ration shop patiently without complaints? But when it comes to stand in a long queue in front of ATM as per situation demands, it becomes a National problem!!! How many times our ATMs have gone down due to technical issues or money shortages! No one had problem that time. 

Though sudden withdrawal of 500 and 1000 notes made common citizens panic, Government was so liberal in allowing citizens to pay necessary bills at government service sectors, and also petrol pumps, railway reservation, hospital, state government buses etc. So Government has taken such a sudden action, after thinking so many things and reiterating them.

In our state, currently ruled by Left, our honarable Finance minister expressed some ideas which are total blunders. He went on saying, it will be difficult to common man if he need to tell the source of money while depositing it in bank.  (That's what called black money - our dear minister). Some TV channels are celebrating such petty issues and statements made for political gain only.

During 1980s and 1990s, during by childhood days, Doordarshanand radio were the only source of news, and they gave much importance of language usage, diction etc. Those glorious days have gone. Nowadays if I switch on Tv, news channels are comedy channels with a list of fools sitting with arguments not matching or going to end anywhere. Afterall they also need to increase TRP ratings to sustain in the media field. So, on whom to put blame for? That's why such comedy shows happen.

Arunima Singh totally valid points. - Arunima Singh - 8 years ago


Media is a reflection of public and its own preferences. While everyone may criticise the media at the way it is getting commercialised and sidetracking the important issues, the fact of the matter is that the majority watch and their TRP is rising each day. Showing Rahul Gandhi was actually to highlight how manipulative he is and definitely not to enhance his qualities. But the media could have totally ignored it which they dint .. Our news coverage too has lost its dignity, but again earlier news hour was the most boring watched only by the serious minded elders who asked all the children to stay quiet during that time. Now it is entertaining ( may be a bit too much of entertainment and less of news) watched by all . I wish there was a balance between the two !

Arunima Singh He came in his luxurious car with body guards to exchange currency. What a mockery of public inconvenience?? - Arunima Singh - 8 years ago


It once again goes to show that the media is reduced to a circus of clowns who is more concerned with showing buffoonery and hilarious antics rather than sensible and controlled news items. Rahul Gandhi arriving at the bank in his luxurious cars with his personal menageries, making silly comments, showing fake anger and sympathy to common man and then taking selfies etc. disrupting the otherwise disciplined queue and the work of the bank should have actually been ignored and not given any media footage. However, media is owned by sycophants who have already sold themselves so why should we expect any thing different from them?

People have been standing in queues for various purposes all these decades, queues for rations, admissions, paying bills and like Sandhya mentioned, queues outside liquor shops, but no one is seen becoming angry over those queues. Why only now? Any system to work and be put in place requires reasonable time and there are bound to be certain hassles during each phase of transformation. As responsible citizens, shouldn't we accept and face those hassles and wait patiently until every thing falls back in place? Instead of asking people to be reasonable, media is only trying fuel peoples into panic by showing such buffoonery.

Arunima Singh you echo thoughts of many sensible people around - Arunima Singh - 8 years ago
Kalyani Nandurkar True Arunima, yesterday me and a friend celebrated my son and her daughter's birthday yesterday together with kids from their class. We took the children to Parvati, a hill in the middle of Pune city with lovely old temples and trees around to give them a unique experience. Yesterday being Tripurari Poornima, there was long queue of people starting from the temple entrance at the hilltop and extending all the way down the hilld and then winding round and round on the main streets. It must be at 3.5 kilometres long, people comprising of men, women, kids, old people etc. waiting patiently for seeking blessings of Kartikswamy on the auspicious occasion! Didn't see a single media person expressing anger over the misery of these poor souls who had to wait for hours and hours!LOL :0 - Kalyani Nandurkar - 8 years ago
Sandhya Rani You quoted a nice point. Today I had a broken heart reading the main headlines of our newspaper. There is not a single column anywhere promoting the move, or giving guidance to people. Newspapers, mostly backed by different political parties, mislead people giving only negative impact of the sudden move by government. People turn panic reading such headlines in red ink. Today I was surprised to read from the second most circulated paper of Kerala, Supreme Court criticized government to fail in the supply of currency notes. But nowhere I read it online. Such baseless news bits can brainwash common man, who fully relay on newspapers and cable channels. - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago
Sandhya Rani Mathrubhumi is supported by Janata Dal, and as I have 'politics allergy' I don't know what it's equation with BJP:) - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago

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Really not. Display of such an activity is expected out of an individual who can go and spend his holiday in Italy but is not hesitant to display his torn attire in public just to show how poor he is.



I think we had a serious problem not because our PM took that decision but we did it in a haste without making enough arrangements for that. We are not as advanced technically yet that needs to be. We seriously lack foresight before going for such major changes.



It is all nothing but Media hype



Politicians often do such things to get publicity.



During first few weeks of Note Ban there were long ques in front of Banks and ATMs. Now the situation is coming under control after 60 days and ques are getting short. Rumors are spread that you can only withdraw 24000 in a week which is not sufficient. 24000 in a week means 24000*4 = 96000 in a month and 96000*12 = more than 10 lakhs in a year. But only 24 lakh people has declared that their income more than 10 lakh in India, then why others are bothered about this limit, because this limit is more than sufficient according to their income.


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