Will it help if you have the same political party in power at both the central government and the state government

Practically speaking I tend to think so becaause there is better undersatnding and coordination..although this should be so in a democracy

Category: Politics

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Political circumstances in each state are different and so it is not generally possible to have same party government in center and all states. However such states as have the same ruling party as that at center are in more advantageous position. Arunachal Pradesh is unique state in this respect. All MLA in the state switch to the party ruling at center. So if BJP wins at center, the MLAs will immediately change from BVJP to Congress and vice versa.
usha manohar I was unaware of this....I guess they reap the benefits by doing this ! - usha manohar - 11 years ago


AP, my state is a congress ruled state, And at the center it's congress led government. Contrary to the belief it's not a smooth affair and the relations between the two are so so. In the present scenario of bifurcation of the state, the state government requested the center not to divide the state. But the center turned a deaf ear. As a result many congress Ministers of both state and center revolted against their own party. The state congress men have gone up yo the extent of moving a No Confidence motion against the congress led government at the center.


Logically it seems to be an ideal situation, but given the fact that we have a multilingual and multicaste system in India, it does not work much. I would like to cite an example of the railways, when the railways ministry was being headed by Mamata Banerjee, she did everything to the benefit of people from W. Bengal, including starting many long distance trains from several parts of country to Kolkata. But in places where railway lines were direly needed, she ignored those parts completely, all to the loss of railways and to those particular areas. Unfortunate but true, same thing happens when a particular party is in power. Coordination might be better but the issues of localites do suffer a lot. Eg. in Maharashtra some good at least has been brought about by Shivsena, Congress Party (Sharad Pawar) etc. but after shifting power to congress, only corruption has been the prime focus!


It is difficult for a single party to rule all the states and the center together at a time. Practically this is not possible in India.


Now both Kerala and Central Government are ruled by same political party. One advantage is that, the state may get more ministers in the cabinet, if both the ruling parties are the same. But I don't feel that, it will really benefit the common man!!! Best example is Shashi Tharoor, whom I have voted and sent to Parliament.

It's also easy to hide mistakes if both the parties are same. I feel so


Handling both state and centre is not possible by a single party. Our country need two different parties ti handle our country smoothly.


If there are same political parties at center and state, then there will be better coordination and center will help state without any political issues.



Our country need two different parties each for state and central. It allows the proper functioning. Both parties should work as a unity otherwise we go for one single party for our country.


I think yes, at least on papers as it will help having a better support from the center as our governments are always partial and support their own governments in states. That can be seen in present scenario to the extent that districts or constituencies under opposition parties are denied proper electric supply or other development plans including roads and basic amenities.


It is good for the political party to have same govt in central as well as in the state, but i think its not good for the people. I have points for both side. Because whatever the central will pose, State will accept it. There will be no debate.

If there is different party at state and central, debate would be there, but there is fear if if the decision is good for the people of state, Central may oppose and restrict implementing as the final power is with Central.




It will certainly have advantages and drawbacks. The party might become complacent and may not achieve anything during their tenure or it can become proactive and really develop the state.


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