Female Dancer in Chal Kheva Re Kheva song of Doli Sajake Rakhna

This fast track is composed by A. R. Rahman for Doli Sajake Rakhna. This less-heard song features Amrish Puri as a fisherman and one female dancer also. Who is she? I assume her to be Anjala Zaveri of Himalayaputra fame. Am I right?

anjala zaveri in Kheva re Kheva Doli sajake rakhna

Go through the link to watch the video


Please help me, I want to add a particular data to my blog. If she is not Anjala, who is she?

Category: Bollywood

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Anjal Zaveri did not sing Chal Keva re Kheva, Anjal Zaveri sang in many Telugu moves. like Preminchkundam raa and Aapthudu. You are right  Anjala Zaveri acted in Himalayaputra.

Sandhya Rani I dont know about Telugu singer Anjal Zaveri. I want to know about the real name of this actress shown in the picture - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago
rambabu As far as I know. Anjala Zaveri grew up in a conservative Gujarati family in Portsmouth England. Her real name is Anjalal a Zaveri only. - rambabu - 8 years ago
Sandhya Rani plz refer this link...am telling abt her https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anjala_Zaveri - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago
rambabu Just read the link about Anjala Zaveri - rambabu - 8 years ago

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I got the answer, her name is Mint Brar and in the wikipedia page too, it's specified about her special appearance.


I am not sure if i can accept my reply as answer. Let me try. I don;t want to add further posts for this doubt

Sandhya Rani not possible - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago


Mint Brar


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