Films promoting regional dialects to earn big at box office

Earlier in the 1990s, different dialects of Tamil have been successfully used in Tamil cinema (in a serious mode, and not for creating comedy scenes), mostly to show movies based on rural themes. They looked very realistic on screen. In the recent times, the change is well shown in Malayalam cinema. In the mid-2000s the trend of abusing Thiruvananthapuram dialect in Malayalam movies started by a particular comedy actor - Suraj Venjaramood, who himself is a native of TVM district. What shown in films was very much different from the original dialect creating a bad impression about people of the district.  But he turned a comedy star.

Very soon people got fed up with TVM dialect, and new actors followed the steps of Suraj to remain in spotlight. After the success of one Mammootty movie who speaks in Thrissur dialect, a new trend of 'Thrissur Malayalam' also started in 2011. In between Ernakulam dialect blinks once and go. These dialects are far cry from real Malayalam with good pronunciation, and in the recent times at least 25-30% films are born in either Thrissur or Ernakulam dialect, a trendsetter. It's OK to use to dialect if the script is demanding so. But I think we should not encourage screenwriters to script and create TVM/Thrissur/Ernakulam/Malappuram characters this way just to cash at box office. I think it can input wrong images to kids' minds at a younger age, and certain one-liners and dialogues which don't suit their age.

Sadly most serve for comic relief only, and nothing adds significant to nourish Malayalam cinema, and sometimes very pathetic. Till mid-2000s, most characters speak good Malayalam unless script demands. In Bollywood too, only rare cases are there when village dialects are used for film characters... definitely not to create comedy scenes.

What do you think? Should pure language be promoted through movies most or different dialects to divide people? I agree, in some cases it's needed.


Category: Movies & Entertainment

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Sometimes it becomes important to show the story in it's true color. I do not watch movies in many languages except Hindi and English until it comes with a sub title.

In Hindi movies, I have seen the regional dialect sometimes add to the beauty and authenticity of story as the Haryanwi in Sultan or the upcoming movie Dangal. Even in "Gangs of Wasseypur", the regional dialect made the story look authenticate.

But many a times, it is mocked to add the bad taste of humor. In many movies, actors mock Lalu yadav and that is taken as regional dialect of Bihar, which is not the case. It brings bad impression to the state and hurts people

Sandhya Rani Definitely!!! - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago


I have seen the trend increasing in recent times. There is nothing wrong if it suits to the theme of movie but to say it's to promote the movie is not true. It's a double edged sword which can cut both ways. 



The current movie KGF also is a good movie. Good concept, great story with an engaging screenplay and background music. A must watch in big screen.



 I am of the opinion,to add  strength to the story and to give a touch of realism, giving regional dialect is not wrong. Even in Regional movies and Bollywood movies, even the main roles spoke regional dialects. In many  Telugu movies and  Hindi movies like Padosan and Ganga Jamuna, the central roles spoke in the, the respective dialects of a particular region. And not surprisingly, these movies succeeded at the Box Office.

Sandhya Rani But I disagree when a particular slang is mockered and inappropriate use of language aiming at box office figures only.... Such a trend has started in our regional language in the recent times.... - Sandhya Rani - 8 years ago
rambabu I too disagree. Just for making a Movie with an aim to ridicule a particular accent shows the producer and director/s cheap taste - rambabu - 8 years ago

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