Are songs an important element for movies?

In several foreign language movies, songs are shot for promos only. For the same reason, movie length is also short comparing Indian movies. Music and dance are those two inevitable attributes of Indian movies, which add colors and spices to Indian screen. We audience love music also. But nowadays movie length has been shortened very much and songs too have reduced in number. I think it's a positive change in Indian movies, yet I feel that Indian movies are incomplete without at least 2 songs. Or do you think songs are totally unnecessary? What's your opinion?

Nowadays in film scripts with high pace, songs are blamed to be speed breakers and in most cases it's true also. Let us reduce the number of songs to reduce total length of the movie........and give preference to film script.

Category: Movies & Entertainment

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Songs are not essence of a movie theme. A movie would do well before songs. But traditionally, our moies contain songs. These are in fact a sort of interval. Many use the song time for tea in theater restaurant.
Sandhya Rani Haha..songs for tea break.....hearing for the first time... - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago


Songs are the essence of Indian cinema and make it complete. However, I really don't like all those songs which promote boozing and partying, and songs that are unnecessarily included just for the promotion of the movie. Songs if needed as per the script is welcome, if not, a film with no songs is also good to watch, provided it has good story, script, screenplay, and acting.
Sandhya Rani I think, earlier Bollywood has good songs. So, we won't mind spending a little time to watch songs...But now only Shor Sharaba. So, we just want to skip the songs that are not significant to story plot and move forward. Nowadays I rarely watch songs while watching movies online.....Sure, I save half an hour for every film this way :) - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago
Mousumi Ghosh Yes, I agree by skipping unnecessary songs stringed with weird lyrics we can save time! Songs are to soothe our sense, but song today are only a cause of irritation and headache. - Mousumi Ghosh - 10 years ago


Nowadays, songs are diverting the flow of the film script and in many movies songs are unnecessarily coming with out any logic. If it comes along with the script it will be interesting for the viewers to watch. Otherwise, it is only swallowing our patience and time. Also nowadays only sound is there and not music in many movies. It makes us get irritated. These things have to be avoided.


Earlier with movies like "Hum Aapke Hain Kaun", "Hum Saath Saath Hain", "Dil to Pagal Hai", "Kuch Kuch Hota Hai", and even later day "Dil Chahta Hai", the trend was more towards more number of songs. However, now as you pointed, songs are lesser now in movies. In some movies, we even see songs just as part of the background score.

All in all, I think songs should be in the flow of the story, and should not be used as a tool to divert the flow of the story, or unnecessarily lengthening a not so inspiring story.

Do you agree?
Sandhya Rani yes of course..... - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago


Not necessarily. Films like Ittefaq became super hits without songs. There was a movie in which Kamala Hasan I forgot its name was the hero without dialogues. And it was a smashing hit.
Sandhya Rani Pushpaka Vimana..the silent movie??? - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago


Songs are not important for movies. Good story and Screenplay only determines the success of the movie. 



Yes,off course without the songs movies are very boring.



A film have song or not it is depends of story of films. Some films need not any song and if they have song it will boring. some movies have song which are weave with story,these work like leap. Guide is best one example of it.



Earlier movie is the main but later with time songs have become the heart of the movie. If songs are hit then though there is no story in the film also the movie gets hit



I think yeas, songs are essential elements of a movie. In most of the successful movies, songs played vital role in making the movie success.



Songs are important as it is the first piece of the movie that we get to hear even before the trailer is out. Musicals in Hollywood are quite rare but are often good.


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