How do I clean leather bag?

I have a beautiful soft leather Kashmiri bag but it is quite soiled due to many years' usage. How to clean it without spoiling its colors or texture?

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In general leather is mostly affected by moisture and dust and need lot of care which can not be done if in use..you cannt keep it closed atmosphere too..However there is a solution for it. Leather bags can be cleaned with a special conditioners designed especially for it , which is available is market or the leather stores and even furniture shops. If you can not find it just use some very mild soap water of Dove. However after cleaning you have to wip and drain it thoughly...use hair dyer for that.



I clean my bags this way ..I mix a little coconut oil with some water and few drops of liquid soap.Dip a soft cloth in this mixture and wipe the entire bag and then with another cloth dry it out and leave it in the sun for sometime. 



Coconut oil  and liquid soap are of much use in cleaning the leather bags. The last stage of cleaning must be drying in the Sun.

usha manohar Parrotting my post ... Shameless as always .. - usha manohar - 8 years ago


You can clean by clean soft clothes. So that it looks new leather bag once clean properly


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