Growing herbs on window sil..

For those living in apartments it is not difficult to grow a few herbs like mint, basil  etc or some ornamental plants like cactus and African violets...All that you need is flat trays and a good soil mixture and regular watering and sun shine.It also has the added advantage of keeping flies and other insects at bay.. 640 windowsill herb garden zimmerkuechekabinett

Category: Gardening

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Gardening is my passion. I have a whole bunch of herbs in containers. Basil, rosemary, coriander, mint, curry leaves etc.

 I need fresh herbs in my cooking. I used to live in an apartment until recently  and all these herbs graced my kitchen window.  I cannot think a life without a garden or herb garden.

One of my favorite plants is the pandan, I use a lot of pandan leaves in my cooking.



Here in my city flat system in not in fashion. Most of us have independent house. Person who have some free land in front of house like to plant some flowers and some other small plants. I am growing some small plant on my roof in clay pots.



Around my home there are lots of trees, still I have plants on the roof.



I'm growing Basil. I live in the third floor of an appointment. Basil  is having anti inflammatory qualities. It can be used for treating diabetes, respiratory disorders and allergies to name a few. Additionally Basil is used in many cooking items such as Tomato sauce etc.

By the by the photos are very good.




It is true, even if one lacks space but is willing to take a few extra efforts, we can easily grow plants and herbs. I too live in a third floor apartment but I have mint, basil, lemon grass, sweet marjoram growing in containers along with other plants such as a rose, two varieties of hibiscus, begonia, etc. All we need a few minutes every day to tend to the plants.

Neha Sadana wow kalyani you have a windowsill garden at your floor. Surely, these herbs and flowers make you feel fresh and happy. - Neha Sadana - 10 years ago
Neha Sadana wow kalyani you have a windowsill garden at your floor. Surely, these herbs and flowers make you feel fresh and happy. - Neha Sadana - 10 years ago
Kalyani Nandurkar Yes Neha, fresh plants make us feel happy and fresh all the time. I try my best with my plants. - Kalyani Nandurkar - 10 years ago
Kalyani Nandurkar Yes Neha, fresh plants make us feel happy and fresh all the time. I try my best with my plants. - Kalyani Nandurkar - 10 years ago

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Windowsill plants is a very good idea for people living in apartments. Picture you posted is very beautiful..:)



This seems very exciting and i see the benefits of doing the same. Need to consider it.


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