Gardening - Some easy to maintain indoor plants

Indoor plants add freshness and a visible joy to any interior.Not all plants can be grown successfully indoors ...I feel that money plant, goose-foot plant , palm , African violets and certain varieties of begonias can be easily grown indoors.Please share your own experiences and suggestions if any..

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Category: Home & Garden

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Instead of flowers arrangements which are expensive and one cannot change flowers every day , you can keep attractive foliage with a long stem and some of them keep for years together.I normally have goosefoot plant, different varieties of money plant and a few other varieties in vases and containers around the house.

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I never had much liking for indoor plants probably because of low space. But I do like anthuriums and peace lilies a lot. They are both quite hardy and easy to maintain. Spider plants, dracaenas and certain palms also look beautiful. They are quite hardy plants and added benefit is that they help purify air in our homes.

Kalyani Nandurkar Here's a link for some garden plants that thrive easily and clean a lot of pollutants inside our homes. Some of them we already know, but a couple are new. http://greatist.com/connect/houseplants-that-clean-air?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=daily_newsletter_2015-06-16_mails_daily_new_header - Kalyani Nandurkar - 10 years ago
Kalyani Nandurkar Here's a link for some garden plants that thrive easily and clean a lot of pollutants inside our homes. Some of them we already know, but a couple are new. http://greatist.com/connect/houseplants-that-clean-air?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=daily_newsletter_2015-06-16_mails_daily_new_header - Kalyani Nandurkar - 10 years ago


Well, so far I have no experience on it. I don't have more knowledge too about the same. Since starting I liked bonsai as indoor tree, but never got hand on it. So would love to have if it is possible. 



I love indoor plants all the time. I have son rose and tulsi plants planted indoor. For some decoration purpose, I use the petals of rose flowers in a bowl of water. It give nice look. I have been doing this all the time during specialoccasdions


Now a days it is possible for every one & i say grow indoor plant in your balcony ,terrace window space =where it grows nicely..& easily available plants in our vast market..



It is better to grow some vegetables plant, like chilly, Fenugreek, mint, coriander with some flower plants. 



I have a few indoor plants in my main hall. These Plants give a feeling that I am actually in garden



We have a few indoor plants at home and greenery is always pleasing.


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