There is no such thing as a quick weigt loss! The methods that many claim to do just so are accompanied with severe anemia, hair loss and loss of skin glow.
A good weight loss regimen should ideally be accompanied with good health and without any damage to hair and skin. Also, it is a proven fact that a weight loss regimen that is more slow and gradual is the best one and without any occurrence of regaining weight.
Following are the tips that should help you lose weight.
1. Eat a sensible and well-balanced diet. Include plenty of fruits and vegetables. Cut down on fats, but do not cut them down entirely since some amount of fats are necessary to absorb essential vitamins such as E and D.
2. Whatever happens, do not skip breakfast. Skipping breakfast results in eating more at lunch and snacking between meals. Eat a considerable lunch and eat something light like a soup or a salad for dinner.
3. Start your day with warm water with lemon juice and honey. Eat hot water after every meal.
4. Take brisk walk for at least 20 minutes daily in the morning. Also make yourselves as much active as possible. Start taking stairs instead of using a lift everywhere. Walk to the market or a grocers instead of taking vehicle.
5. Drink plenty of water throghout the day. Cut down on coffee and tea. Also, stop taking drinks such as Diet Cola thinking they are calorie-free, they are not and do not help the diet in any way.
6. Use low fat or skimmed milk yoghurts. Cut down on cheeses and butter.