What is it that always surprise you?

Category: Health & Lifestyle

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I get surprised by how insensitive people can be on most situations.



My colleagues well informed news about the company movement, its plans and the schedule that they are aware of despite the not so organized working surprises me the most.



Every event which happens in my life unexpected are surprise to me. 



Ignorance, I feel astounded when I see ignorance of common things even in educated and well to do people.

Rajaraman K It is because every one do not know everyy thing. - Rajaraman K - 10 years ago


I'm surprised at orthodix behavior of even Scientists, engineers and doctors. 

Rajaraman K It is because of our age-old belief system. And I think, we cannot also prove every thing in nature. - Rajaraman K - 10 years ago


It is a great surprise that people, including highly educated, are attracted to the illusions of fake Babas and  Godmen, expecting instant salvation,  even though their foul plays are undoubtedly revealed  to the public.



I am surprised that why people went to list politician in meetings like sheep. Politicians enjoy in AC and with mineral water but public have not normal shadow and drinking water, they know all these, but they went their, why?



feeling surprised? there are a lot of instances which definitely make me surprised..... May be we speak in general...... double standards.... selfishness.... not caring...... or even social events like injustice shown to poor and helpless......

But It's not the things, habits or behaviour of strangers or neighbours which surprises me most. But my own people, if they can't understand my soul or my words and behave as if they have not understood my feelings inside. Yes, when my dear ones become the biggest actors of my life....... Yes, it's my dear ones who surprise me themost......





I always get surprised by the selfish and stubborn attitude of the people around me. When they face physical, financial or emotional setback then they behave meekly and the moment they regain their position and confidence, they get back to their old stubborn practice. It angers me a lot because their attitude pushes others into trouble which is completely wrong. 



It is the Universe and the hidden mysteries that surprises me. Humans boast of their achievements and the mastery over the nature. But, seeing the natural calamities and their might that sweeps away in a fraction of second make me realize how shallow is Human knowledge. What are we before the mighty universe ? Not even a spec.




I am surprised at how ungrateful and greedy people can be, even those close to you..You never expect it and when they show their true colors it not just surprises but hurts you..



When I don't expect that will happen



When we didn't had any thought of something is going to happen and it suddenly out of blue if it happens , it is surprising for us. This has happened to me many times. 

If i think in my mind about any object or a person and if that appears to my eyes in quick succession - in 1 or 2 days, that has really surprised me many times.

I try to do this to attract many such things or people around me.




There are some people, they always hurt others with unnecessary talking. The activities of such people are always a surprise to me. I do not know the major reason behind it. Is it because of some psychological problems? I cannot recognize such people who always degrade others with unnecessary talking. We should give respect to all kinds of people. Never hurt others.


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