How many glasses of water per day?

If we surf net...different sites give different answers,..... in glasses, litres etc.... Which is correct one? How many glasses of plain water should an adult drink per day? I am too bad in drinking water. So I have decided to change myself


May be I take less physical activities and hence take less volume of water.....

Category: Health & Lifestyle

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I think a minimum of 8 glasses or 3-4 standard 1l water bottles should be enough.  Irrespective of the activities or body type we need a minimum of 8 glasses of water. It is a popular belief that when we feel thirsty we should drink water, but it isn't true. We should drink water water in regular intervals.



It depends from person to person. Ideal requirement is said to be 7-8 glasses on a daily basis but our body tells us when we are thirsty.



To make sure that you consume the required amount of water, drinking two glasses of water 15 mins before any meal not only helps , it also makes sure that you dont overeat...Once you develop this habit you dont have to worry since you take in about 2 liters of water which is essential for the system..



Take 8 glasses of water daily to avoid motion problems because it is the basic reason for all problems. Take water in regular intervals. You should not drink lot of water because it cause kidney problems. You should consult a doctor and check your weight and he will suggest how much water you should take.



Its good to have water between regular intervals in a day. It refreshes us and a good medicine to many health related problems. But, its necessary to have 3 litres of water everyday to lead a balanced and healthy life.

Sandhya Rani three litre water????? - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago


These days I take almost 6-7 glasses a day but in summers I will take 12-14 of glasses of water at least.  

Sandhya Rani I remember once you told in forum that you have a habit of drinking glasses of water in the early morning - Sandhya Rani - 10 years ago


1 Year ago i don't drink water more than 2 - 3 glass per day. It causes me the problem of Kidney Stone and the doctor suggest me to drink Minimum 3 Liters of water in a day.

simmi and i know a person who do not drink enough water and is suffering from stone which is too edgy. when the stone is coming out from the urine pipe it cuts that pipe and then the doctors operate and change his urine pipe into the plastic pipe. after sometime they have done the bypass surgery. So it is important to drink more and more water. IF you drink more water than it does not affect our body but if we drink less water than it affects our body and causes that type of problems. - simmi - 10 years ago


Your body tells all. Do not force anything. It is oka to drink water when you feel thirst. No need to count glasses of water. 



It depends on many factors like your health , your activity quotient , the place of your living . Everyday day we  lose water through our  breath, perspiration, urine and bowel movements. So in order to replenish our water stock   We should drink water and water containing foods. 
On the whole  3 liters of water for men and 2.2 liters for women is recommended.



Don’t count the glass and try to complete a predetermined quantity. Just drink sufficient water whenever you feel thirst; and it is the sufficiency that counts.



I think 8-10 glass of water one should drink in a day to stay fit although it depends on one ability as I can drink more than that.



IT depends on one capacity. According to me 10 big glass of water. Per day is sufficient.


I think it depends on the daily activity of a person, a physically hard worker person needs 15 - 16 glass of water per day, and a person sitting in his office needs 10 -12 glass per day.



Drink Maximum 3 litres or  atleast 1.5 litres a day for a good health. I think you know the importance of water  very well so only you ask this question. It is a summer season and there is  a chance to dehydration which cause Urinary Tract Infections also especially for women.  Drink hot water as much as possible to enhance your health as like a wealth. It gives you glowing skin, good blood circulation, and no eye problems.  



I think that here is not standard of quantity of water some one drink in a day. Its depends on many factors like season, location where some one is living. A person who is living on place which is too much cold not like to drink single glass of water and person who is living is desert area required to drink water after every 30 minutes.



Having 3 litres of water perday is the best one for human life



We should drink minimum 6  glasses of water every day.Water is very important for our good health.



8-10 glasses of water a day is essential.



In winter and rainy seosea it is 8 glasses of water whereas in summer it is 12 -14 glasses of water and more is also good for health.


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