What about adding ice cubes to bathing water?

Reader may feel like laughing if I ask you the suggestion in this case. But what to do? Whole Kerala is burning and temperature has reached 40 degrees. It's difficult to survive. As the water tank is exposed to sun, water is 'not cold', particularly in the evenings. What about adding a few ice cubes to bathing water to bring down the temperature? Can it cause health related problems or hair loss? Please give me your suggestions. I am asking seriously........

Category: Health & Lifestyle

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idea sounds chill.before i answer i have to experience it



Adding some ice cubes will bring down the temperature of water to normal and will not turn it very cold since water is already hot. Also I doubt if you can add a very very big ice cube to the water tank to make it really cold. So don't worry and go ahead. You need to keep the temperature of your body cool so do what you have to make yourself comfortable! Even in Maharashtra it is really hot with temperatures soaring upto 30 degrees.
Sandhya Rani Is 30 degree too hot?
I am asking about filling water in bucket or some container and then add ice cubes to water to bring down the temperature. At present we are living in a single storey concrete building, with no additional roof. So, it's extremely hot in the evenings.
- Sandhya Rani - 11 years ago
Kalyani Nandurkar I don't see why that would be a problem, adding ice cubes a few at a time and tasting the temperature of water after waiting for a few minutes will get you the desired results. The first trial would take some time but once you know how many ice cubes to add it will not be a problem. - Kalyani Nandurkar - 11 years ago


You didn’t say about Power cuts in Kerala. Here in my state, besides scorching temperatures which already touched 50 degrees, we have 7 to 8 hours of unscheduled power cuts. So for us here even there is no possibility of making ice cubes. If the same condition of power cuts are prevailing in Kerala also, I advise you to take bath early hours of morning. This helps to some extent.
Sandhya Rani This year we got enough rains. So, no powercuts.
There is no problem with early hours, Heat becomes severe in the afternoon. Even if I bath in the early mornings, I may take one in the afternoon and one at night.....haha... Then also we sweat a lot...
Actually, temperature rises inside the home after 4pm.....Nowadays, everywhere it's concrete buildings...With noon, roofs get heated..in the afternoons, they start emitting the absorbed heat. That's what unbearable!!!!
- Sandhya Rani - 11 years ago


Why put ice cubes in bathing water. Instead rub your body with the ice cubes as you do with a soap.


Well, you can add ice cubes to water, but don't use for hair wash



Adding ice cube half an hour ago with the water to be used for bathing will certainly make it optimum for bathing in hot weather. It won't cause any health hazard for sure.


I once added ice cubes to the water the results was nice but when I came outside the intensity of heat was double. So do take care.

Instead why don't you pour a water on your roof as your's is a one story house. It will cool your house.



When people suffer from very high fever , adding ice cubes to bath water is suggested by doctors to bring down the temperature and it works ..



You add I ice cubes for bathing but doing regularly is not good for body.



Ice cubes in bathing water are good for improving our immunity.


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