What are your strong points and weak points ?

Most of us fail to identify and work on our strong and weak points. I feel that if we are able to do so we can better our performance ... Like for example concentrating on our strong points and working on our weak points and overcoming the drawbacks...

Category: Health & Lifestyle

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My strong point is ever willing to learn. My weak point is poor time management.


My strong point is that I alway fight for success. My weak point is I become over ambitious at certain point of time.


No one is all good or all bad, like every other human being, I lack more than one qualities including how to please others, not having enough tolerating capacity (though do not react too violently) whenever come across a bully. Good thing is I can adjust with everyone up to a certain point and then I walk out. Talking too much about my good habits will not be appropriate, I guess :)


My strong points are patience and systematic work. But weak points are bad handwriting and inability to mix with crowds. With increased use ofcomputer, the drawback of bad hand writing is well solved. I avoid mixing with too many people at a time amnd try to interact in small groups or one to one basis.

Sandhya is so clever to see that I can mingle with crowds. But I have honestly expressed my weakness. I am okay with a group of friends but feel uneasy in a crowd. That is why I cannot be a public orator. I can simply write speech.
Sandhya Rani Actually, communication through forum can help us a lot to overcome our incapability to interact with people.

Through your posts, it never seem that it's difficult for you to mix with crowds
- Sandhya Rani - 11 years ago


That's true. It will help us to make our self better.

Personally my strong point is my nature of politeness. I can handle any kind of situation patiently.. I take time but I can adjust myself with others comfortably.

On other hand I know that I need to improve my confidence. My shy nature (I am working on it) is surely not that good in today's world. I have improved lot in this section and there is still many things to do.


My strong point is my willingness to learn and to help others find their way, although people reading this would find it queer but I like to direct people to learn for themselves rather than spoonfeeding which is the more accepted form of helping! But in reality, I often go out of my way to help others! I guess that is quite a strong point! I don't to speak much about my other good points! he he he!
My weak point is that sometimes I am too impatient and rather jump to conclusions on many occasions! Another point is that I am not very keen on telephone conversations which rather upsets my friends!


If it's the case of mine, I can write a long essay on this matter...haha
what i feel is, a particular trait of yours, even if bad may work positive for you in some occasion. We may be an outbursting person without any reason. But if we use that character in a wise way, it will definitely help you to gain something at least in a few occasions.

In my case, I feel my over emotion often get rid of the positive qualities in me. Certain qualities, I feel may work at sometimes and sometimes won't.

I am always open in talks and relations. If I dislike something, i may tell it frank. Some persons may like my openness and some people, definitely not. I can never show what's not in my mind. I want to be crystal clear. So, I show love and mingle with only persons only whom I like. I keep distance from others. But there is a negative trait too, I may not show off/express too much if he/she is too near. May be a positive trait or negative, depends on the other person. Very often the other person may fail to understand my sincere love as am not too expressive at least for those whom I feel close.

I hate making false promises. Promises are to be kept. I give word only after thinking twice. So, I may not be flexible if am committed (gives both positive and negative after effects, it depends)

I believe others easily...it's definitely a negative trait. But if I lose someone’s belief, it’s not easy for the other person to restore it.

I think hard work is my positive trait. But I may over work....negative trait.

It takes a long time for me to initiate something (positive or negative). But if I start, then no one can stop me. If I fail in that attempt, it hurts me (may be positive or negative).

I never make too much friends. But I am too much serious in relations and expect the same in return, which I never get. It too hurts me.

Let me think and add later


Truthfulness and caring attitude are my strong points. I do not like to be boastful and I don't like hypocrisy which are actually strong qualities but because of this nature I can't stand anyone who have such bad qualities. I get irritated and dislike to talk to such people and that gets reflected in my behaviour which is obviously a weak point. I must learn to control my emotion because the world is a mixture of various kind of people.    



I am always ready to take any challenges. This is my strong point. My weak point that I become over ambitious.


My strong point is my confidence of my will power and my weak point is my anger.



My strong point is my self-confidence. I believe that nothing is impossible. My weak point is my poor financial planning and least concern about future.



My strong point is i can do anything if I really interested,and my weak point is i never think about the thing which i don't like.



My own strong point is not giving up half way through ! I make sure I complete the job I take up even if there are obstacles in the way, constantly looking for ways to overcome them. Because of this quality most of my family matters are put on my shoulder which sometimes annoyes me lol....As for my weak point , it is being impulsive and making rash decisions which I tend to regret later , am trying to be more balanced and count ten before making decisions now ! But it is not easy !


My strong points that I am quick learner, and have the right spirit to take on feedback positively, meticulous and my weak points are that I quickly complete the task at hand ..to meet the deadline a fews hours earlier..this is weak point, because of this eagerness to complete a task quickly, I get worked up and stressed.

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