I fully agree that peer pressure does effect parenting because it is human nature to get influenced or inspired by others. It might be impossible to nullify it but for sure it can be minimized to a great extent by conscious parenting. The bond and trust between a parent and child is formed from a very young age. So how you have bonded in initial years will reflect when your child is a teen. If you have pushed him and compared him to others , you have damaged his self esteem and his trust and bond with you. If the child feels trusted and accepted, he trusts and accepts you as a loving authority. Children also feel betrayed and loose their trust in their parents when they sense a contradiction inn your preaching and what you live. They sense you under your skin. For a teenage, the mere expectation is truthfulness. So if had a strong bonding in your early years, You can sail through this easily. But not to forget, parents are not the only influence on a child's life and so peer pressure can not be fully nullified. Parents have to deal with it reasonably taking their child in confidence