why do we feel shy?

what is the reason that people feel shy

Category: Health & Lifestyle

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Shy people often have negative thoughts about themselves and others in social interactions. They feel shy to express themselves for fear of sounding stupid or being ignored.

Shyness is in part  a temperamental quality -- something we all are more or less born with. But there are positive strengths too that are associated with shyness; for instance, we often find increased empathy, concern for others, altruism, and conscientiousness among shy persons. 

Shyness is an emotion that affects how a person feels and behaves around others. Shyness can mean feeling uncomfortable, self-conscious, nervous, bashful, timid, or insecure. People who feel shy sometimes notice physical sensations like blushing or feeling speechless, shaky, or breathless. Shyness is the opposite of being at ease with yourself around others. When people feel shy, they might hesitate to say or do something because they're feeling unsure of themselves and they're not ready to be noticed.

But sometimes being quiet does not necessarily mean that a person is shy.

It is also a proven fact that genetics is also responsible in making a person shy in nature. About 20% people have genetic tendency to be naturally shy. Life experiences too play a major role in determining your personality traits of becoming an introverted or an extroverted person.







It is the nature of everyone


lack of confidence


It may be due to lack of confidence of for wrong deeds but why a girl shy at the time of her marriage.


Shyness could be due to lack of confidence or just politeness in some cases, where a silent person is seen as shy.



We are indeed insecure in all major sphere of life, say it finance, relationships, emotions, old age. we want to be secured enough in any eventuality.Strangly we keep on brooding over the same & therby giving others -ve impression of all this genuine need of their own.When it comes to relationship/love we are indeed too shy with our partners but when we know each other properly nothing can separate us.. Emotions are part of our life..

Most cases when we feel shy are when we speak in front of others, Proposing love...etc

Sometimes it could happen that we are not very confident in our position on the matter we are discussing at the moment  and in my opinion, these are the moments when we feel somehow shy in front of a teacher.But once we feel confident in our abilities and knowledge at one hand and when we respect the teacher's opinion at the other hand there is no place to be shy .



suni51 Shy people have a complex of inferiority or they do not want to face people for their lack of knowledge. Some others are born that way who feel better while alone. - suni51 - 12 years ago


Because of introversion or lack of confidence are the reasons


it is based on how they brought and depends on his nature



but the right answer is
when we feel ineligible of any thing we feel shy
we we think that i can
then we don't shy


In our opinion shy means that every one is thinking about us negatively.


Shy is not the feeling of being Wrong, but I think its a feeling that, people thinks you are wrong. It can be termed as lack of confidence, feeling insecure, & fear of not being accepted...



It is depend on their thinking.


It is my nature.

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